2023 saw KRD participating in the ‘Coldest Night’ for the 9th year in a row. It is estimated that we have contributed $15K+ towards this initiative spearheaded by the Nelson Cares Society who preserves and maintains affordable housing in Nelson*. Coldest Night is a form of a Walk-A-Thon and KRD walking teams consist of 7-15 walkers who are sponsored by fellow club members, friends and relatives. Typically, the team walks a designated route of 5 km. Adorable toques are given to registered walkers (not donors) who raise a minimum of $150 ($75 for children).
*The first three CNOY walks targeted the refurbishment of Nelson Cares downtown affordable housing building, Ward Street Place. In the past 6 years the funding focus shifted to residents within the building through their Ready For Home Program that supports homeless individuals ready for housing, newly housed and those at risk of losing their housing.